A woman stands in front of a big board drawing a visual summary. Another person stands back looking at the visual.

DEAF Together

DEAF TOGETHER was a three day Deaf-led festival showcasing the amazing creative work of Deaf* and Hard of Hearing people, held in Chapter, Cardiff. The event was a culmination of work by Jonny Cotsen and his ‘Hear We Are’ project looking at the challenges and needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in creative industries.

I was invited to capture a day of performances and discussions and work with content that was sign language led and then translated to English. The visual brought together people during the event and served as a great awareness building tool online after the event and you will be seeing me draw live at the next festival as well.

Event photography by Raquel Garcia

*you can read more about the spelling of deaf/Deaf here


Graphic recording


Nexthink Experience live visuals


Nature And Us event visuals